Friday, September 26, 2008

The Culture is Sliding into the Crapper

When I first had children, I had this idea that I wouldn't take them to McDonald's (since it isn't really the healthiest of foods, and it just reminds me of the more-tattoos-than-teeth crowd letting their children drink coke from a baby bottle). I held out for about a week-and-a-half, and then we were feeding a smilingbabymaddie french fries.

My next bastion of virtue was cell phones. There was NO WAY my pre-teen was going to trundle about with a cell phone. You know that one fell. I now have a ten-year-old with a cell phone. WHY DOES A TEN-YEAR-OLD NEED A CELL PHONE??

I guess I should be asking MYSELF that question, since I was intimately involved with the decision.

These things just seem to slip in...and slip by. They seem like the right decision at the time. But stepping back and looking at it from a high level; something is amiss. I mean, I didn't even fight very hard. I guess it isn't important.

I think that's part of the reason the culture is sliding into the crapper. No one individual decision "is very important". Taken as a whole, however...where does it end?

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