Monday, August 11, 2008

Welcome to Irvington, Kerry

Last night my family and another went to a local Mexican restaurant. There were ten of us, so they put us outside.

My girls sat down first, and apparently next to a table with a couple guys and a girl who had been there for awhile, drinking, and dropping the f-bomb.

The management asked them to leave, and when they found out it was (at least in part) due to the fact they were cursing in front of the (newly arrived) children, they got pretty angry, and the curse words really started to fly...including m*therf*er.

As they walked out, they turned to Maddie and Molly, and said "F*ck you, B*itches".

Welcome to Irvington, Kerry.


Anonymous said...

Kudos to La Hacienda for kicking out the low lifes.

Anonymous said...

How very unpleasant. So much for freedom of speech.