Friday, August 15, 2008

Session Report: Day 1 of GenCon

Yesterday I conducted a card counting seminar in BlackJack from 10-11 (note: card counting is LEGAL, ethical, and smart, folks), met Kerry for lunch, took him to the airport, and then it was back to the 'con.

Each of the following three were sold out (as was my seminar), but I was able to get in anyway:

1. A prototype of a Formula 1 car racing game (it was a little simple for my tastes - I wouldn't buy it or play it again).

2. Gloom (illustrated by Edward Gory). This is a game I bought for my 'rents, since they are Gory fans, and played it a year or more ago at their house. It was a boring game at my 'rents, but TONS of fun at the 'con. The difference was, is that one of the girls playing insisted that we tell stories during the game about what exactly was happening to the characters. It was fun being creative, and some of the stories were funny, etc.

3. Werewolf

Re things being sold out: I think that this year the demand is outstripping the supply a bit more than in previous years. Or maybe it was that this year I didn't pre-register for ANYTHING, and am trying to do it all on-site and getting bupkiss. I hope that bupkiss doesn't mean anything bad...I'll have to ChaCha that.

Well, gotta run...I'm sitting at the "Gamers for Humanity" booth from 10a-12p.

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