Friday, May 23, 2008

HALT and my first "real" follower

Ah...Twitter is down. My first withdrawal symptoms from that addiction can commence. But I have blogger to replace it!

For those who haven't heard, if you are addicted to something, before you succumb, you should HALT. In other words, you should ask yourself: "Why am I about to succumb?" Am I: Hungry? Am I Angry, am I Lonely, or Tired? If you are one of those things (which I guess is highly likely), then you should address that root cause, rather than cover it up with the artificial feeling that the addictive behavior give you. I think I have an addictive personality (that is, I am prone to addition).

Owch - I just remembered that I need to write the prayers of the faithful, so I've got to start wrapping this up.

What I wanted to say more about Twitter is that I got my first "real" follower today. He is a headhunter from South Carolina, who seemed new to twitter and is only following a few people. I think that he somehow saw my tweets about sending data to SC, and some of the other techy stuff I was writing and thought I might be a good network opportunity (which, actually, I am - since I know some great tech guys down in SC). Or m
aybe he is following me by mistake. At any rate, I wrote him and asked him why he is following me (which is probably poor netiquette). We'll see if he answers (or, perhaps if he's reading this blog, he'll comment!).

The last guy who followed me, I blocked (I don't count him). He was following (no joke) over 1,200 people. I don't have any idea who he is, or why he was following me.

The odd thing is, if some random person wanted to read this blog - I wouldn't have a problem. But if someone is following me on twitter, I want to know why. I guess it's because on twitter, I can see their picture, who they follow, who follows them, their own blog, etc. It makes it more real. I guess that the random person reading this out of the ether (which I've when I posted about the Tao Te Ching...some nutty guy from Germany commented a couple times) is a potentiality, while on twitter he is real.

Following someone on Twitter also, by its nature, turns it into a "push" technology. My tweets are pushed to my followers. It turns out I don't feel comfortable tweeting crud anymore (like what I had for lunch). How could I feel comfortable texting that I'm stuck in traffic on the north side of Indy to some stranger in South Carolina...that'd be quite an imposition on him!

Ok, I'm stopping now to write those prayers.


Anonymous said...

I have an addictive personality too.

kieron said...

Maybe it runs in the family? Speaking of which, how's your WoW game goin'?

Anonymous said...

I quit playing it in October, as true to form I was spending way too much time on it. But I am gonna try another new MMRPG called Age of Conan, it's just come out, only I'm gonna strictly limit my play time. The same friend I played WoW with is also gonna play the game.
It probably dies run in the family, but why haven't Lynda or Breon got it?

Anonymous said...

Should it not be HALTB ?
Guess what the B stands for!

kieron said...

I don't know - what does the B stand for?

Anonymous said...

Bored. But maybe that's just a cover for the other 4.

kieron said...

hMM...I know drug use starts sometimes out of boredom. Not sure about turning towards addiction.

I guess I agree, but what is the root cause of boredom? A sense of purposelessness?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree that the root cause of boredom is a sense of purposelessness. I believe an 'addictive personality' can be a source of great strength, but needs to be appropriately channeled, which isn't always straightforward.

kieron said...

Maybe obsessive (if you go overboard)?

Anonymous said...

Addiction and obsession must stem from the same genetic component...