Wednesday, April 30, 2008

People need to come to Church

Mass starts in less than two I think these are final:

Sunday, May 4th (Vigil: Saturday, May 3rd)

1. That Christians may use literature, art and the media to greater advantage to favor a culture which defends and promotes the values of the human person.

2. That candidates for political office be motivated by a desire to serve others.

3. That the burden of the poor be lightened.

4. That members of Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette parishes who don't regularly participate in the celebration of the Mass allow the Holy Spirit to draw them into the liturgical life of our communities.

5. That the families and friends of those who died this week, especially _______________ be consoled.

6. That the sick of Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette, especially _____________, and those listed in the Annals unite their sufferings with Christ,

7. And for ______________, especially remembered in this celebration of the Eucharist.

Ideas holding for future weeks:

That we embrace Christ's commission to bring the world to a greater acceptance of the value of personal selflessness and adherence to the golden rule.

The rich use their money wisely.

That mothers and fathers encourage their children to consider the consecrated life and religious vocations.

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