Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I'm in a book club, and we're reading this great book (New Seeds of Contemplation, by Thomas Merton). But really, I wanted to tell you how annoyed I am with the group at the moment.

I like the format, generally. We read a couple paragraphs aloud (starting where we left off last week), then discuss, then sit in silent prayer for about 20 minutes. What I'm annoyed with is that at least half the group CHANGES WHAT THE AUTHOR WROTE as they read it (to suit their own needs, I guess).

Now, I must admit to a bit of hyperbole. The changes they make are to make the book as gender neutral as possible ("God" is substituted for "Him", "they" for "him", "brothers and sisters" for "brothers", etc.). But is the DISTRACTING IN THE EXTREME. I mean, it's all I can think about as they flip through their verbal gymnastics to make the sentences fit. I'm not focusing on the content of Merton's message at all.

I guess I don't mind gender neutrality per se, I just don't like people changing someone else's writings.

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