Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The computer closet is flooded too

I came in this morning to find my office flooded. The guy in charge of the building said, "is there anything on the floor of the computer closet?" (which is next door to my office).

Oh, just ALL THE SERVERS! The computer closet is flooded too.

I hesitated posting this (since it puts my work in a bit of a bad light - never a good idea to do in public), until I read my pal's blog entry from yesterday:

Monkey thoughts - Hmmmmm: "'Ignorance is the Curse of God, Knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven.' Particularly apropos considering I'm at work and am continually frustrated by the lack of leadership, wisdom, and sometimes complete stupidity of the people I work with."
If he has the guts to post that, then I can make my innocuous-in-comparison post.

Oh, and by the way (for those work friends who may read this and not be in the office), when I say "flooded", I mean "the carpet was slightly damp in a corner of my office". But who would be even interested in that??


Anonymous said...

I've been in a workplace 20 years next year (school). The only thing I've figured is that the higher up the ladder you are, the more expensive your mistakes are allowed to be.

kieron said...

True - and hopefully, the less likely you are to make those mistakes!

Anonymous said...

I would not have been interested at all in a "Slightly Damp Carpet in the Computer Closet" post.
That's for sure.

Anonymous said...

Actually the truth is your frequency of mistake making seems to stay about the same the higher up the ladder you go. (At least, mine has, and that of my bosses.)
At my workplace, the latest in a long running series is - moving a dance studio, fully and expensively refurbished one year ago, to a new location, wasting flooring, wall mirrors etc
We told them at the time it was in the wrong room. But they knew better...now we're proved right, and they're having to move it.
Cost? Maybe £40,000.
My annual budget is about £2400 so obviously I can never aspire to that scale of error.
But I do believe there are bigger crimes than accidentally wasting money.

kieron said...

Why couldn't the dance studio stay in it's new location? What was so wrong with it that they had to move it again?

Anonymous said...

The location had several disadvantages. It was too hot. There was a french window opening directly onto the grounds, which caused some problems. It was right in front of the main carpark so there were loads of distractions. The windows were massive so very hard to get a full blackout (for drama). It is much better as a conference room, which is what it was originally.
We bid and won some capital build funding, that's what's paying for the move. I guess they wouldn't have done it otherwise.