Friday, April 11, 2008

His favorite food was soup

I have a board of director's meeting tomorrow at work (today we had a finance committee meeting). It's at 9:30a on a Saturday. I've put a note on my alarm to remind myself not to turn it off. Little notes to myself...reminds me of the movie "Memento" - wicked good movie, BTW.

I've finished my introductory Tai-Chi class down in Bloomy. Now I think I'm going to start one here in Indy (since half my students are from Indy (that is, one guy)). Adding his link reminds me...

Recently I've noticed TV pundits, hard-up for information on some suspect in a late-breaking news story, are prone to go to the perp's myspace page. They then say stupid stuff like "Johnny liked fast cars, and preferred blonds. His favorite food was soup.". I guess it's better than nothing, which is what they had before.

In chess news, I'm now an official tournament director, sanctioned by the United States Chess Federation. Oh yeah. Bring it. What does it take to be a TD for the USCF, you ask? Fill out some forms, pay some money, buy a book and promise that you'll "try and follow the rules". I predict some sort of fallout from the lax standards related to TDs by the USCF. [Edit 4/17/08 In reading the 5th edition rules, I'm no longer worried...I am only a "club" level TD...there are multiple levels and I am only qualified to run tournaments of under 50 people.]

But now that I think of it, there are a lot of things that people THINK are tougher to become than they are. I mean, to be a minister or a notary public, you don't even have to buy a *book*.

Well, it's no longer Friday, so I'd better motor.

Happy Easter season!

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