Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What time is it?

Remember those ball clocks? My grandpa had one (I think it was him). I would sit there for MINUTES and just watch it. Maybe I had one. Actually, I think I did. Where is it?

My parents keep giving me cool stuff that I already own, like a space pen that I bought when I was a teenager. It can write in a vacuum, in zero-g, and even on a HOT DOG. I don't know what that has to do with outer space, but it was on the marketing materials.

At any rate, I want my clock back.


Anonymous said...

But do you have a birthday coming up??

kieron said...

It's $50:


Anonymous said...

sorry, but you never had a ball clock ( your poor dear)...you did have a pinball machine though, and a slot machine too................


kieron said...

Well, SOMEONE had a ball clock, and I remember it was me. :-)