Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Court is at a school commission meeting, Maddie is playing the sims, and I just lost the cold war (as the USSR).

Really, it was sheer stupidity on my part. You see, it was during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and (of course) a coup initiated by me in any part of the world would start Global Thermonuclear War (I still think of WarGames when I write that). What do I do?


A coup attempt (successful, but who cares at that point?) in the Saharan States.

BOOM. Although we are both dead, my esteemed opponent (Mr. Ginn) wins.

I'm trying to see if he'll let me defuse the situation (in retrospect) by removing my missiles from Cuba (-2 influence).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you lost, after all those months! It really wasn't very smart.