Saturday, February 02, 2008

I think I'm a Christian Taoist

We've got a new laptop in the family, named Acer. It's like $550 at Best Buy...2GB RAM, 120GB hard drive, etc., etc. I started watching "The Big Fish" on it. Someone must have recommended that movie to me.

It's working right now, thanks to DanD - my good friend and all-around knowledgeable systems geek (good guy to know).

Just came back from Tai-Chi. I haven't been practicing much. I'm a bad boy.

I replaced a wiper blade on my car, and (as you can see), there is a poll about it I'd like your input on. I'm experimenting with polls. In particular, I'd like to know if I can get a history of them, or how I archive them after they are done. It's open for 6 days.

The girls are out watching the concert-movie "Hannah Montana" right now.

I'm not going to say what I had for lunch, but I will say I finished the book "Humility" by Andrew Murray. I'm now praying each day to be humble (when I remember).

Court and I had a date-night last night, and we talked about all sorts of things - even a little about another book that I re-read recently (it only took a couple hours): The Tao of Pooh. I think I'm a Christian Taoist. Not sure yet if I'm allowed to be...I'd better check into that.

... Tao-Te Ching begins by asserting that words are not adequate for explaining the Tao: "The Tao . . . that can be told of is not the eternal Tao."{6} But if words cannot fully explain the Tao, they can at least suggest it. In chapter 25 we read:

There was something undifferentiated and yet complete,
Which existed before heaven and earth.
Soundless and formless, it depends on nothing and does not change. It operates everywhere and is free from danger.
It may be considered the mother of the universe.
I do not know its name; I call it Tao.{7}

...sound familiar?


Dan D said...

LOL @ the video. Glad I could help. It finally got me a mention on your blog. I feel like a celebrity now. :-)

Dan D said...

Oh and yes I'm impressed you performed any kind of maintenance on your own car.

kieron said...

OH, You've been mentioned b4...

Anonymous said...

The one who knows does not speak. And the one who speaks does not know.

Taoism is.

Anonymous said...

You look like you could be a christian taoist....

Anonymous said...

Your last blog entry was l5 days ago, the longest lag ever. How come?