Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Pastor is a dictator

1/27/08 1:15pm - Our Lady of Lourdes Cafeteria

Here I sit...all dressed up and nowhere to go. I've got the "Excalibur" electronic chess set out (even though we HAVE NEVER USED IT during chess club, since I want the kids to play each other, not a computer), since it looks cool and kids like gizmos. I've also set out the wooden chess clock, since it looks neat, and the tournament-size chess board (even though we only have ONE). It's all about the presentation.

It's the OLL open house, and I'm personing the Chess Club Table. Alone.

But I don't mind, since I get to catch you up (you, my faithful bloggeral fans).

It's now 1:30. My whole (nuke) family is here, for one reason or another:

1. Courtney: School Board President (really, School Comission, since the Pastor is a dictator...and I don't mean in a bad way). So, she's manning a table.

2. Molly: Art room tour guide, or something like that.

3. Maddie: Watching a friend play in a Volleyball game in the gym.

Last night we played games (it's a monthly thing that Court set up) with Kelley & Ed, and Beth and Pat. Time's Up was a lot of fun.

3:42 now...the open house is over, and I'm at home with Molly - she's getting ready to go to a Volleyball game (or practice, or something). Tonight: PIZZA! But not one cares what you had for lunch.

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