Wednesday, February 20, 2008

even I have my standards

Sitting at the Discount Tire Co, hoping beyond hope that the $65 I'm spending on a single car tire is a good price. I'm used to buying used tires. [Edit 2/24: The new tire fixed the fact that my car was pulling to the left]

So you might ask, why am I here on a work day? Well, I'm not feeling too hot, so I figured this would be a good day to sit and wait for things. I tried to apply for a sign permit for work, but apparently there was a chance I'd have to wait a couple hours and still not get the permit. So I gave up on that.

Then I got my oil changed (for $40). It'd been about six months, and ten thousand miles...and even I have my standards.

My tire's ready - tschow.

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