Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Angry White Man

A chilling article: Aspen Times News for Aspen Colorado - Aspen Times Weekly Opinion: "In election 2008, don’t forget Angry White Man"


Anonymous said...

Why was this funny? I found it irritating and whiny. Am I missing something?

kieron said...

Point well taken - I changed my post from "funny" to "scary".

Dan D said...

So why is it now scary? It's your blog and your thought was "funny", but now you change that to "scary" because someone asks why it was funny? Has PC gone that far?

kieron said...

I re-read it, and I didn't laugh, that's why. Baiter.

kieron said...

I just decided to change it to "chilling". So there.

Anonymous said...

I agree that it's chilling to know that "angry white guys" think nothing of tooting their horns as they whine and expose their ignorance and lack of compassion. This guy should be counting his blessings that he's not an angry black guy, or a woman, or anyone else who's considered lower in the pecking order.

kieron said...

As women and black guys rise to the level of viable presidential candidates, as jobs get "shipped overseas", I think the white guys described in the article (blue collar) feel like they are moving down the pecking order. Understandable why they'd be angry.

There was a funny quote in the oscars last night, "Democrats do have an historic race going. Hillary Clinton vs Barack Obama. Normally, when you see a black man or a woman president an asteroid is about to hit the Statue of Liberty. How will we know it's the future? Silver unitards, that can't be all?"

Dan D said...

I agree it wasn't "funny". It was actually sad because of the truth contained within. As the author pointed out (at length I might add), the point is *not* "white" or "man", it could be anyone who dares to voice their disagreement with the political status-quo. The role of government should not be to take care of it's people, it should defend and protect it's people. Why shouldn't I (as an American citizen) be able to make my own way in life *on a level playing field* as long as I'm not hurting someone else? How are the "'angry white guys' tooting their own horns as they whine and expose their ignorance and lack of compassion"? More-so, is it not a show of ignorance and lack of compassion to dismiss the opinions of "white guys" simply because they're "white guys"? There's a disturbing amount of truth in the article because it points out how far we've come (regressed is probably more appropriate) as a country when we accept or dismiss the opinion of *any* group simply because of the group to which they belong (white, black, male, female, etc.).

Anonymous said...

In the lottery of life, your chances are better if you're a) a man b) white c) able bodied d) heterosexual. This is a fact with statistics to prove it. Despite this, individuals that are none of the above are sometimes a success over and above individuals who are some or all of the above.
Perhaps the angry white man is whining because he can't make it DESPITE being male, white, able bodied and heterosexual.

Anonymous said...

And I would like to add, it's a shame anyone should be judged on whether they 'make it' or not, and I do indeed feel compassion for 'angry white man'. I just feel he is directing his anger to the wrong place - towards those that are actually below him in society, but which he falsely imagines are the cause of his ills and overtaking him.

Dan D said...

Therein lies the trouble we face as a nation. The problem is *not* with any citizen regardless of their demographic group ("rich" and "poor" being just as much a group as "black" and "white"). The problem is when people/government wants to build rules *because* people in a particular group are in that group. Nobody in this nation should be discriminated against. Everyone should have the same opportunity for success (however *they* define success). The government should not artificially foster or hinder success because it means something different for everyone. Success does not mean "being the richest person in the world", although it could depending on the person. The very equality that people claim to strive for goes out the window when someone else has something they want, but don't have. I have no doubt that the "angry white man" has compassion for every person in the world. They're simply tired of hearing that select people (determined ultimately through divisive governance) deserves to have something extra "just because" they don't have that something extra.