Sunday, November 25, 2007

A "no boys" policy

In the past month Maddie has started doing things with a mixed group for the first time. A bonfire with the W's, going to the mall, "hanging out", and last night she planned and executed a surprise party for Jenny with about ten people, which lasted 'til 10:30p.

A few of the girls slept over (staying up 'til 4-5a). I think one of them is still asleep upstairs (I could be wrong). [edit: she's still's 2:30p]

My preference would be no contact outside of school w/ boys until maddie is 18. But how realistic is that? I mean, she's been going to mixed skating parties since like second grade. The Jr. High dances started last year. It'd be practically impossible for me to insist on a "no boys" policy.

I guess my goal should just be to slow things down as much as possible.

As Jenny pulled up in her van, the tittering made it quite difficult to maintain the surprise.

The unibomber was in attendance.

Jenny, NickB, and JoeyE.

All decked out for the baby party.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is not a baby shower!!