Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Ragamuffins

Molly and Maddie went with the L's to Lazy Daze (a local coffee house) this afternoon, and I told them to be be back by 6pm. Well, as you might expect, 6pm rolls around and there is no sign of the ragamuffins.

So, I start calling around, and brainstorming what their punishment should be (in consultation w/ Court, we decide it should be a "warning" and that next time it'll be 1 month of being grounded from going to Lazy Daze, or 1 week of being grounded from all activites). I find out that they are still at Lazy Daze, there being a drawing for a guitar of some sort.

Guess what? That's right - ten minutes later Molly walks in with a NIB $200 retail Fender "Strat".

Now both the girls are intent on learning to play the guitar. I'm recommending she sell it, buy a cheap acoustic, and pocket the change. KA-CHING!


Anonymous said...

How wonderful for them! (They still should have called.)

Anyway, Learning the guitar on an electric is actually a bit easier as the action is very light and less painful for tender, young fingers. It is also easier on parents ears as they can put earphones in a small amp and keep the "joyful noise" to themselves.

Once their fingers toughen-up(and their playing is tollerable) an acoustic would be great....but beware the el-cheapo acoustics. Wait until they proove that they will stick it out with the electric and then get a mid-level acoustic.

Just my lowley advice.

kieron said...

Thanks for the advice!

The thing is, we're pretty sure that she'll play it for about three days before she gives up (she's a Mitchell, after all). It just seems like someone else would really appreciate the guitar more than she would.