Saturday, June 30, 2007

Not too hot, so I did it outside

The girls come back from Michigan today - ETA is 4pm.

Tai-Chi was supposed to be at 8:30 am this morning - way too early for me on a Saturday, so I slept in (til 10:30), and just did my Tai-Chi myself. It's a nice morning - not too hot, so I did it outside (on my back deck, so as to not alarm the neighborhood).

Last night I went to the 101st anniversary of the Cathedral downtown (they chose yesterday to celebrate since it is the feast day of S.S. Peter and Paul). There was a mass followed by a banquet and silent auction. I hope I won something.

On Wednesday TheHowell, Spank, his girlfriend Allison, and Robert came over for some 5-player werewolf. We played 9 games, and had fun (I won 5). Allison is pregnant, and Spank says their story is the same as "Knocked Up" (the movie). I wonder if he'll keep saying that once he's seen it. I'm so glad she's keeping the baby!

It's striking that the normal citizen of the world is allowed to kill family members (via abortion and euthanasia) that better than being allowed to kill strangers?

On Thursday I went over to DaveK's and we played a couple games (Twilight Struggle and Lightning Midway). I won and he won.


Anonymous said...

So, what did you win/buy at the auction?

nosy jomama

kieron said...

Nada - I bid on a massage for Courtney, and a bunch of other stuff, but didn't win anything (at least they haven't told me!).