Saturday, June 30, 2007

DoA tounament game I'm in

Comments my esteemed opponent wrote today re: the DoA tounament game I'm in right now:

You are rolling a 7.02 average roll (so average it bleeds) and thanks to the last couple rounds I'm at a whopping 6.76. However, you've banked 8 amazes, 7 passes and 2 squeaks on challenge and I've got only 4 amazes... 12 passes and 5 squeaks though. We both have 5 fail/fopps.

He's been quiet for a while, but Damon Ravon is still your best adventurer with 2 amazes and 1 pass under his belt with no fails. It would seem likely he'll have another amaze notched up if you can get someone over there it kill off that melee challenge for him so he can attempt the aim before I take that last shiny hitpoint away.Your most prolific adventurer is Milena who's got 2 passes, a squeak and a fail under her belt. Agent 911, not surprisingly, is your worst character with no hitrolls or challenges under his belt the entire game. (Though it took Sven 7 rounds to muster up the spunk to attempt a challenge as well... turn 11 before he even determined a stat)

On my side, Wallace is probably my most successful adventurer with 1 amaze and 2 passes under his belt (no fails or fopps) but special notice to Blackbeard who's got 2 amazes on both his attempted challenges. Flicker is the most prolific with 2 passes, 2 squeaks and 1 big glaring fopp.

Darija is the only one I have who hasn't attempted a challenge, but she did pull out a few good cards from the ruins and hand them off to key personel before her untimely imprisonment. So I'm hard pressed to give her worst character. Erin Shrike has only managed a fail in her time onboard so, unfair as it is given her late start, I'll have to give it to her. If Piccolo fails to destroy your base in retaliation for destroying mine, I'll have to give it to him instead. Normally an adequate adventurer, he's managed just 2 squeaks and a fail this game.

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