Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The President is in 2nd grade

Sweet success...I've now got two DVRs daisy-chained together, both seemingly working (via some sort of hot-wired IR dongle-thingy). And I didn't even need to call up tech support. If ever a wiz a wiz there was, I am that wiz.

I don't really need two DVRs, but the one only costs like $5 a month, and it isn't broken now, so I'm hard pressed to break it to save $60 a year.

In other news, we are having A BLOCK PARTY on 6/2. I just passed out all the fliers to our neighbors (except our next-door ones, since I ran out due to poor planning on Courtney's fault).

Courtney invited someone NOT ON OUR BLOCK (who is related to someone on our block), which made me mad...but I got over it (and of course it allowed me to convince her to be inclusive rather than exclusive anyway and just invite people within walking distance who we know).

In chess club, we elected a new slate of officers. I think the President is in 2nd grade.

A couple Thursdays ago, I went up to Noblesville and played in a mini tournament with five other players. I lost every game, including one to the top-ranked player IN THE STATE. Based on my performance, I was awarded a ranking of 841P5 (Quick).

The P5 means "based on 5 games", the (Quick) means that we had less than 30 minutes each to finish our games (it was 10 minutes). The top-ranked player kicked my butt in about 3 minutes flat.

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