Sunday, May 20, 2007

DVR to VCR for the 'Rents-in-Lar

Busy, busy, busy...blogging at 11p. Copying from DVR to VCR for the 'Rents-in-Lar.

What we've been doing lately:

Molly and Maddie "bridged" to the next levels of Girl Scouts today (you bridge from Daisy to Brownie to Cadet...I don't know where you go after that). Court was in charge of some major part of it, and we bought helium baloons (green) today, along with a organizing a butt-load (just 18 x 10 or so) patches that they end up ironing onto their uniforms.

Molly won her soccer game on Thursday (I think).

I wrote the General Intercessions for our Parish this weekend. I'll put them at the end of this post, in case you care what they were. I cheated and copied most of them from a book.

A couple we know is getting a divorce. It happens a lot, but it really bothers me. I guess I just imagine that if they tried hard enough, or asked for enough help, or prayed long enough, or waited long enough, or whatever "enough" that it could be worked out.

They have children (that's always the first thing people ask). In my (limited) experience, people get divorced for selfish reasons.

Here are the intercessions:

General Intercessions for May 19th and 20th, The Ascension of the Lord

That, following the example of the Virgin Mary, all Christians should allow themselves to be guided by the Word of God and always remain attentive to the signs of the Lord in his own life, we pray to the Lord:

That the leaders of all nations recognize the sanctity of each human life, from conception to natural death, we pray to the Lord:

That those suffering from addiction allow the Holy Spirit to fill the hole in their hearts with the love of God, we pray to the Lord:

That new graduates recognize the hand of God in their accomplishments, we pray to the Lord:

That all who eat at this table, especially those with unseen burdens, find strength and love in this Eucharistic community, we pray to the Lord:


Anonymous said...

Coming from someone who is divorced, it is true. We get divorced for selfish reasons most often I think.

kieron said...

I'm glad you weren't offended...I actually wasn't thinking of you when I wrote that (other than worrying a bit that you'd be offended).

kieron said...

Or maybe instead of "glad", I should say "hope".