Saturday, April 28, 2007


When we first moved into this neighborhood, we started shopping at the closest grocery store (that's how I choose pretty much everything...our girl's school...our doctor). That place was (and is) a DUMP. I remember early on seeing some guy WITH HIS DOG in the store (and not some seeing-eye dog, either).

No joke, we are in the bread aisle, and the dog squats and defecates WHILE THE GUY WATCHES. He just walks on down the aisle, leaving behind this STEAMING PILE OF DOG SH*T.

Our friends call the store "scary Marsh" (that's one of their nicer monikers for it).

At any rate, this local March become our main grocery store for like 15 years, and about a month ago they decide to MOVE EVERYTHING AROUND FOR NO PARTICULAR REASON. Well, now that I (and the employees, for that matter) have NO idea where to find the Nutella, the biggest hurdle to switching stores (that I can't find stuff) is gone...and so am I.

Now I go to a clean, huge Kroger about a mile further down the road that has self check-out (I've never waited in line, and I feel like I'm shopping in the future). Plus, my church sponsor Vic works for Kroger, so I can feel like I'm supporting a friend by shopping there.


Anonymous said...

Didn't you report it? Surely the Marsh staff would have been even more disgusted than you.

I thought animals weren't legally allowed in food service places in the USA.

Anonymous said...

A security alert box always pops up when I try to comment on your blog. What do you think is going on? I must check yes to proceed since checking no would not allow my brillant insights to make their way to you.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure it wasn't just an ugly midget that had a case of incontinence (sp?)?

kieron said...

1) Perhaps an ugly, hairy, midget.

2) Don't know about the security alert thing. I'm sure you can turn it off somehow, but I don't feel like figung it out.

3) I didn't report it, but I don't remember why not. It's definitely not allowed to bring a normal animal into a grocery store like that.

Anonymous said...

My security alert always reminds me that your comment boxes contain insecure items and that proceeding may cause me I close it and go ahead but wonder what is so insecure about your blog box and when the ax is going to fall.


kieron said...

Show me next time and I'll fix's probably under "tools --> options --> security".

I use firefox, so I'd be different from you plebes.