Thursday, April 26, 2007

Mass Resignation

All the chess club officers resigned on Monday.

Oh well, there are two more FOR EACH OFFICE interested in stepping up to the plate (quite different from my local church committees).

I played Molly in chess yesterday. I beat her so badly, she cried. I figure, if she wants to play "for fun", she can play with her friends. I'm going to teach her TO WIN! Today we reviewed the game we played yesterday, move by move. She was interested in learning, and asked me to quiz her.

What I learned: 1. play faster (holds their interest better), 2. don't try to win (keeps up their morale). I guess it just goes against the grain.


Dan D said...

So why did everyone resign at the same time?

kieron said...

The President said he wanted re-elections, and before we could discuss it, he just resigned. Then the rest of the officers just kind of said, "can we resign too?". Basically, following his lead.

I'm changing how we do things so that being officers will be more fun in the future for them (I won't pull them out of chess playing time).