Sunday, April 08, 2007

Shameless ego-stroking

In the shameless ego-stroking department...

I guess I haven't googlestalked myself in awhile, since I was surprised at the result.

Full Name (Kieron Mitchell): Top 8 hits are me. 113,000 hits total (don't know how many of these are me).

First Name only: I drop off the face of the earth, not being listed in the first 10 pages (I didn't keep looking after that).

[edit 7/07: Now it's the top 10 hits (the full first page). 95,800 hits total. If you put quotes around it "kieron mitchell", it drops to 566 hits total and I get the top 7 places (some kid in Essex, England is doing well in soccer, and jumps in at that point).]

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