Saturday, April 21, 2007

He Had a Zen Baby

We had some friends (The M's) over for dinner last night, and played 4 games: Wits and Wagers, Taboo, Password, and Werewolf. They are quite compatible with us, and we had fun.

Papa M (Pat) mentioned that he reads my blog sometimes (Hi Pat!), and that he noticed my post re: "When I am hungry...", and that he used to tell friends he had a zen baby (who ate when he was hungry...). Pat's the one who loaned me "The Book of the 5 Rings". It does my heart good when I hear that I have blog readers - please continue to comment on posts as you read them (even if it's just the occasional "hi Kieron").

I do have some statistics on blog readership (I've recently begun excluding hits from my home computer, to make them more reliable), but I like to know WHO is reading.

We (Maddie and I) are leaving in five minutes to wo-man the girl scouts garage sale - it's HUGE (two big tents, right on Emerson). It think this is the first year it's been done (at least recently).

I went to Tai-Chi today - I helped a new person (her first day), and worked on my hand position and some timing things. I've still only learned about 50% of the form, and am now working on perfecting it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kieron
