Sunday, March 11, 2007

Weekend Results

Well, lunch went long yesterday ('til 4pm!), so I didn't get to have coffee with Courtney, and Molly wanted to go to Church today at 11am instead of yesterday, so she and I went to Toys'r'Us instead of Church yesterday (to buy a gift for Katie and Sarah - twins who's birthday party and sleepover she went to last night).

Today we went to a movie (which I highly recommend, if you like sappy and sad movies...which makes it sound like a bad movie, which it WASN'T) after Church, then to Irvington's biggest losers (lost 1.5 lbs this week), and to our neighbor's (the girls Godparents) for dinner.

Here are my IBL goals for this week:

1. Buy an activity ball.
2. Lose weight (or gain a max of .5 lbs)

Except that I just now looked up #1 and read some report on it, and it isn't such a good idea to sit on it all day long. So I might not buy it.

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