Sunday, February 11, 2007

Monopoly and Werewolf

20 minutes 'til Monday! The week flew by...due to its busy nature, I guess. Also since I'm gearing up for my 4-day annual trip down to Kentucky to play games.

Courtney flew out of town Wed (she'll be back tomorrow), and then Wed. night I played Duel of Ages. It was fun, and it went A LOT later than normal - I taught a new player (Jeremy, who moved from Washington state to Indy recently). I only just barely won...he's pretty smart.

Thursday's talk on Spirituality was actually a talk on the trinity. I only stayed for an hour of it or so, since I had to pick up the troop at dance class. The talk was entertaining, but nothing new. It is nice that our parish is getting it's act together re: adult education (faith formation)...

Friday's thank-you dinner was just that. It was a nice get-together, and good food (surprisingly, since it was catered by Dufours - a local coffee shop, and I don't like their food...maybe I ought to give them another chance). Their main web page can't be seen by Firefox, so I know their food must be bad. [edit - I just linked it to one that DOES work.]

Saturday went w/o a hitch. The mass in the evening was preceded by the divine office and followed by a talk on "Practicing God's Presence".

Sunday I did Children's Liturgy in the morning (since it was the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes, I got to hear a different set of readings from the previous evening), and had fun at my 'rents (we played Monopoly and Werewolf). Hmm...two very different games!

15 minutes 'til Monday!

I watched an episode of the Simpson's from 2006, after deleting one from 1993. That's one LONG RUNNING cartoon! Marge built a statue of Homer out of used popsicle sticks that was a replica of Michaelangelo's David. Which is kinda odd, since the speaker on Thursday talked about that statue (David, not Homer). Something about viewing it from different angles, and walking all around it...I can't remember how that relates to the trinity, but it did.

Loud enough to be clearly heard downstairs, I am being treated to the music of the squeaky wheel of Molly's hampster (Frankie). I guess I should be glad I don't have to sleep with the darned thing.

Well, I guess I'd better be off to bed. A few things came up this weekend that I thought would be funny to add to the blog, but I can't remember any of them now. I guess I need to start taking notes that I can add in later.


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