Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Full week/weekend planned!

Lots of snow today. Eli Lilly and The Catholic Center let out at 3pm (some of our staff left work early too). Courtney flies out tomorrow, and is back Monday.

Got three new games in today - I played one of them with the fan-damily (Jungle Speed). Molly got so giggly that we had to stop (first time for that to happen).

Full week/weekend planned!

Tomorrow (Wed): Games (Duel of Ages) at 6:30p
Thursday: Talk (on spirituality) at 7pm at the Parish Center
Friday: "Thank you" Dinner at the Parish Center (for the capital campaign) at 7p
Saturday: Tai-Chi morning, Molly's B-Ball practice at noon, then OSB Mass at Holy Spirit at 7:30p
Sunday: Visit my 'rents

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