Monday, February 12, 2007

Courtney's Back!

Yippee, Courtney's back! We met her at the 'port this evening.

On the Tai-Chi front, after six months of daily practice, I am 50% through learning the basics of the form. Yikes.

In chess club news, there were 30 (yes, thirty) students at the club today. Also yikes.

In a final yikes, did I mention I leave for four days of intense gaming on Wednesday? I probably did....after a quick check of my blog history, I see that I haven't.


Anonymous said...

My relevant comments go unpublished. Maybe this gets to your e-mail?

kieron said...

I can see this comment! I don't moderate comments, so if they don't post, it's a technical problem.

Anonymous said...

Where did Courtney go, Kieron? And on that picture, up(or below) this, is that the most recent picture?


kieron said...

Hay Rebecca!

Courtney went to London, to visit her friend, Sara!

Are you looking forward to Disney World?

Anonymous said...

COURSE I AM, I literally want to apck and go now!
