Thursday, February 22, 2007

Back from GTF!

When I left my house that morning I couldn't even park the van on our street, I was so worried I wouldn't be able to drive off the next morning. So, I parked it a block away (on the bus line), to be sure it got plowed to safety.Back from my gaming weekend! I just updated the games I played, so you can browse them on the left...

A sunny, but COLD bar-b-cue, thanks to Troy. From the left: Jim, JeffC, Greg, Brian, JeffL, Luke, TheHowell, Troy, DanS, JeffM, Tim, Kerry, DanD, Bob, Leroy, Spank, Chris. Sean in foreground.

These are my car-mates, fresh faced and ready to roll with our McDonald's lunch! Drive-through on the way down, sit-down on the way back! Leroy, Troy, TheHowell

TheHowell came in first in our first game (The Great Space Race), and Leroy took second. I think this game took 5 hours.

Will we ever start the six-hour game of TI3 that only got through 2 turns out of 11? I won, with two victory points vs. everyone else who had one each. Spank, TheHowell, Chris, Jimbo, Dan, Leroy

175 games in the game library!

Once the South Carolina contingent arrived at about 10pm, we had opening ceremonies. That's Troy, waking the dead.

Here we are, about to start drafting for the Magic tournament (from the left: Leroy, Sean, Troy, JeffM, TheHowell, Tim).

Cash and Guns...maybe Leroy (Tino) won? JeffM had fun (as did we all).

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