Monday, January 15, 2007

Kristina had her baby!!

Kristina had her baby!! Congrats! Ruby Yvonne Walker was born Friday, Jan.10th at 12:32. Big girl at 8lbs 6.5 oz.

I had a fun weekend.

Saturday was our second of three foster parent classes, and Saturday night the girls went to the roller derby (which isn't quite what you think it has to do with punk rock now). During their outing, I had some friends over and we played games.

Sunday we went to Church, then out to lunch with Audrey (the girls god-sister), then up to the Game Preserve where I cashed in a gift certificate from Dave and AmyL. I got two games - The Great Dalmuti and Ten Days in the USA. We played both a few times. Now I want to get the rest of the "Ten Days" series (to see information about these games, remember that any games I play are hotlinked in the sidebar on the left - you'll probably need to scroll down to see them).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maddie is so charming!
her mom