Thursday, January 18, 2007

Miss. Asymptomatic

Molly's not feeling well today - she says she feels like throwing up, so she stayed home. Probably a good thing, given that it's 11:30 and she's still asleep.

Probably a good thing for me too, since, if it weren't for the FOUR CALLS THIS MORNING, I would be asleep as well.

Courtney and I have different philosophies re: kids staying home from school. Mine I learned from watching TV: There must be physical symptoms, or you go to school. In other words, if you throw up, have a fever, or there is blood in your stool, you can stay home. Otherwise, you go to school.

Easy for me, easy for the kids. Doesn't matter how much you whine, or cry, you're going to school. This eliminates the "stomach ache" problems kids have when there is a test at school, or a bully they aren't looking forward to seeing. Tests and bullies aren't going to go away if you stay home from school. They just get worse.

It also, imho, creates an environment for deescalation in the mornings. If you know that if you cry or whine enough, you can stay home, then guess what? You'll cry and whine more and more until you stay home (even if not on purpose). On the other hand, if you know that you are not in control of your destiny, you'll just relax (which usually helps with the "butterflies" anyway). Which is why I am so relaxed in general, BTW.

So why is Miss. Asymptomatic at home this morning, you ask?

Well, it's 'cause Courtney is a great mother, with great instincts which I do not have, and doesn't need to learn her parenting from "The Simpsons". So, she said Molly is sick and needs to stay home.

So there you have it. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc. <-- I didn't know what this meant when I wrote it, it just popped into my head, so I thought I'd write it down, then I looked it up, and it kinda applies, but not really.

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