Monday, January 22, 2007

The "intranasal" version

Friday: Father/Daughter square dance. Breon came up and helped me shepherd the girls. We had a great time, and went to Steak and Shake afterward (along with ten other tables!). The wait staff didn't know what hit them at 9:30p on a Saturday night!

Saturday: Foster class (the last one) all day, then poker at John's in the evening (I won about $15). I gave John a $20 bill to get some quarters at the beginning, and when he gave me a roll (worth $10), I thought he was joking so I didn't say anything. I guess the joke's on me! (I say this in part to see if he reads the blog - HI JOHN!).

Sunday: Slept in, then got a call from Amos that CPS (child protective services) took two of Evelyn's children (Prophet = about 5 yrs and Amelia - about 12 yrs) since he let Prophet spend the night with a neighbor who called CPS, saying that he was being neglectful. So, after taking Molly sledding, I went over to the YES (youth emergency services) to see if I could help out.

CPS wouldn't give the kids back to Amos, since he couldn't prove he's their guardian (technically, he isn't). So, Evelyn (who lives in Philly) needs to hop on a bus to make the court date on Tuesday. Please pray for this messed up situation.

Sunday night was a Colts party at John and Jill's - good food, good fun (including a quick game of 10 Days in the USA).

Monday: Woke up with a splitting headache, some body aches, and a scratchy throat, so I decided to start a Zicam regimin and sleep in for a couple hours. It seemed to do the trick, since I was Mr. Asymptomatic by about 10am. P.S. You might not want to do the "intranasal" version of this (I don't anyway).


kieron said...

It depends on where the bruises are!

Anonymous said...

What's toe sledding?