Friday, December 01, 2006

High winds, Comedy and BLOOD IN "THE SHINING"

The wind was so strong today, it blew out windows in some of the buildings downtown. At work, our power was out for a few hours (and in at least a 1 mi radius, as I noticed the stop lights were out as well as I drove out for lunch).

I had lunch w/ DaveN. He seems to be enjoying his new job as the COO of a local charter school (now including a high school). He's been doing it for only 3 weeks.

DaveL invited me at the last minute (while I was making my last minute calls for our Parish's capital campaign) to a comedy concert (he had an extra ticket). So I went.

Unfortunately, that meant that I didn't finish my calls. A FAILURE. And me, a caller team leader. I told Courtney that I shouldn't volunteer for anything that involves more than showing up and doing something (I'm quite good at showing up, which, as you know, is 80% of life).

Anyhoo, the concert was VERY funny. I haven't laughed so hard since the Stephen Wright concert when I was in college at IU.

Oh, and I forgot to mention - a few days ago our washer flooded the upstairs, so there was black water coming through the ceiling of the bathroom below, and RUNNING DOWN THE WALLS LIKE BLOOD IN "THE SHINING". I had to rip out the sopping wet carpeting in the closet (the last vestige of the 1960's era green shag which covered the downstairs when we moved in 15 years ago), meeting a nice suprise of a mummified mouse which had died under the carpet years? ago.


Anonymous said...

Yep, it was that wise ole philosopher, Woody Allen, who said that, right?

Anonymous said...

Home owning is such a joy, nicht wahr?

kieron said...

Yes, Woody Allen...but he said "success" not "life".