Friday, November 24, 2006

Many things to be thankful for

Many things to be thankful for...for example:

1 (or a): My family
2: My friends
3: Living in America
4: My job
5: The Church
6: Being born into the middle class

Jack, Jill's brother, visited from Oklahoma this Thanksgiving. I don't think she'd seen him in like 8 years, and he seems to have changed for the better. She welcomed him into the family during a toast over dinner. He's been to jail, and works now as a "night man" in a convenience store.

We played a lot of 5-player Werewolf. Here's one session report.


Anonymous said...


your trusty spell checker...

Anonymous said...

Add a brilliant blue sky and all day sun anytime in November which seems to make most people nicer and happier...or maybe just goofier which is still gratifying...