Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Sexual Purity Accountability Questions

Got these from a conference I went to a couple weeks ago. You’re supposed to have an “accountability partner” ask them of you periodically.

My favorite is #8.

1. Have you viewed any pornographic image since we last spoke, intentionally or not? If so, what steps will you take to avoid doing so in the future?

2. Have you allowed yourself to indulge in sexual/romantic fantasies?

3. Have you been with a woman anywhere that might be seen as inappropriate?

4. Have you done anything since we last spoke that you are ashamed of?

5. If your wife knew everything you've done this week, would she be pleased? If not, why not?

6. Have you shown love/spent time with your wife/family?

7. Have you been real with, had wholesome conversations with, had healthy intimacy with your wife?

8. Have you lied to me on any of your answers today?


Anonymous said...

I was Molly's age when my grandmother died, at the age I am now. I barely remember.

Sorry, just a lugubrious 2am in the morning thought.


Anonymous said...

er, make that a 12:33am thought...

Anonymous said...

Not a relevant comment but family info.....

At the end of Sept. Ruby (86 year old great grandmama of MnM) got food poisoning, dehydration, fell twice, was ambulanced to hospital, quickly checked self out of hospital (no insurance) and has since recovered.

Anonymous said...

Am reading all of Alexander McCall Smith's NUMBER ONE LADIES' DECTECTIVE books. They make me feel like I'm in Botswana.

They are also very funny and unplifting and acceptably moralistic.

The protagonist is named Precious Ramotswe who is proud of her "traditional size" and she's a hoot.

Anonymous said...

Now you have 4 (four) comments!!!


Anonymous said...

Dear Kieron...

Would it be offensive to can you take these questions seriously??!!

Love Cathy

kieron said...

Hay Cathy!

I'm certainly not offended! Which question in particular do you think could only be taken as a joke?

The point of these particular questions is to guide a conversation between two married men who are trying to help each other...

Anonymous said...

All of them , except perhaps no. 6.

I assume these married men are trying to help each other keep their marriages healthy and happy, which I am all for, but it's the assumptions as to what makes a healthy and happy marriage. The unspoken assumption, for example, that sexual and romantic fantasies are unhealthy...

Anonymous said...

Cathy has an interesting viewpoint and it's worth considering.

kieron said...

It depends on the fantasy. Some are healthy, and some are unhealthy. The unspoken assumption here is that we are talking about an unhealthy fantasy.

The key to that question is "indulge", and (for me) assumes that the fantasy involves someone other than your spouse.

I believe that before we do something wrong, we THINK about doing it. If we can keep ourselves from THINKING about it, we can decrease the chance of DOING it.

I believe this is what Christ was teaching when he talked about lust in your heart being adultry.

I also don't fantasize about stealing, or murder!

So, why do you think #4 can only be taken as a joke?

Anonymous said...

Yes, re-reading them I agree that no.4 is a serious question.

Personally speaking my fantasies are outrageous and always have been, but I would be utterly horrified to realise any of them...I could never face the neighbours again....
