Nighttime Kitchen
After we went to bed last night, we heard some rustling in the kitchen. Forced to check it out (unarmed, as I sold my shotgun to Dan) , I found two raccoons huddled around the cat food.
They had opened a drawer, and one of them had crawled in.
Turning on the light, and informing them they were not welcome, one of them scuttled off, bouncing against the door (probably blinded by the light) before making it through the dog door via which he had undoubtedly originally entered. The other, stuck in the drawer, I thought was basically cornered and thus quite dangerous.
So, I did what any reasonable person would do. I went back to bed.
A few minutes later (when the sounds of crunching cat food made it clear that he was out of the drawer), I released our cat from the confines of our room (with the intent that she attack the raccoon, driving it out). She (Daisy) stalked toward the sound of the 'coon, stared at it for a few seconds, and then turned around without making a sound. Apparently, they are old friends.My appearance, turning on the light and deriding the 'coon once again, was enough to send him after his friend, onto our back porch. I locked the dog door after him, and we plan to continue to lock it at night. Daisy will have to get used to a curfew.
Dang that's FUNNY!!
Tell Daisy she can come in my dog door for snacks if she needs to at night...
I say we take up a collection for some racoon beds...Court says they're adorable!!
What should we name them??
They are cute - but eerie as well. They stare straight at you, and don't look away.
Louie and Lenora!
I LOVE it!
Daisy was wisely accepting her place in the order of things. A racoon would win hands down in an encounter w/a normal cat. Smthg about their feral nature that also radiates that eerieness which cats also recognize.
catwoman, of course
Maybe. The thing is, she didn't even HISS or bristle. I mean, when a cat is SCARED they'll bristle and hiss...
She didn't even act scared. I'm telling you, they are in caroots.
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