Thursday, May 18, 2006

Piano, Hermits, Lateness, and Eve

I wrote the following yesterday (Wednesday, so you'll have to translate all the "yesterdays" to "day-before-yesterdays", etc...)


Molly went to piano yesterday. She isn’t practicing, so we need to encourage her more.

Both the girls bought hermit crabs last weekend.

Great news: My brother, Kerry, is getting baptized on Sunday! He is going to the Methodist church in S. Carolina, and my Dad and I are driving down Saturday to be there for the blessed event.

This morning the girls thought it was “free dress day”, and they didn’t have to wear their uniforms. Once they got to school, they realized that they were wrong (it’s tomorrow). They turned right around, came home, and changed. You’d have though the world was going to end! What drama.


I spent about an hour mining on Tuesday. About 95% of the Crokite was gone! Apparently, it is regenerates on Mondays and Fridays after downtime, and since the area was reopened by our alliance (“Blue”) Monday after downtime (no coincidence, that), the big strip mining guys had already been through, and had mined everything out.

The price they are paying for Crokite was also down from $9,500/unit to $7,500/unit.

Well, one day I expect to be one of those “big strip mining guys” (sounds like that ought to be a song!).

Still, I WAS able to find a single lonely asteroid to mine for about $1Mil, so it wasn’t a total loss. I almost got killed getting to it, though, as my hauler had to run from the rats. Another player was keeping them busy, so I went ahead and tried to get to my cargo container – which unfortunately was buried in the asteroid field, making easy exit difficult. Next time I’ll put the container further out, so I can make a quicker exit!

I have about $10Mil now…

I ordered headphones and a mic (for $7) so I can coordinate better (I don’t have anyone to coordinate with, yet, but I’d like to…).

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