Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Fixed Mother's Day Link, Eve Entry

I just fixed the link in the entry below - it should work now (the funny video).

I've decided to blog some of my "Eve" activities - I will color them pink so you can skip them if they bore you.

I think I was playing a little too much Eve, so I've resolved to play only when the girls are asleep (and Court is watching TV).

Well, I'm not sure I can remember the color I picked. How about this one? This one is darker. This one is reddish. I want it to be legible. Anyway, the point is - it'll be in a different color. This color is

This color is the second from the left, and third down. That is, the third row.... Ok, now that I've settled on a colour (let's call it "burnt umber", since I've always wanted to use the word "umber"), we can move on.

When I started Eve (5/3/06 was my first blog entry about it), I was "earning" 3500 ISK/min, then it moved to 25,000 ISK/min. Now it's about 33,000/min. I've got about 8,000,000 ISK in my wallet.

I lost my first ship a couple days ago. I was "afk" (cleaning the kitchen), and some rats got me while I was mining. The replacement ship only costs like $20K (I think I'm going to use $ instead of the more correct "ISK", just so things are more understandable
). You can buy ISK on Ebay, BTW, for $0.15 per million. Not that this would be a money-making venture, by any means (although it is for some)...

I've got my learning skills all up to 4, and I'm training them up to 5 at the moment. The next skill book for learning costs about $3.5mil, so I've got enough to buy it.

I'm a little worried if I buy a mining barge (for $16mil - $30mil), that it'll be so slow it'll just be destroyed. I think I better get someone to "run security" for me if I mine with that sucker, at least at the beginning.

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