Saturday, May 27, 2006

Memorial Day Weekend, EVE Update

Courtney's 'rents have some guests over (it'll be like 10 people by this afternoon). Court was an army brat, and this family visiting is like family to them. They call it a family reunion.

Anyway, kids are running all over the place, there is a trip to the Y planned this afternoon, etc.

Maddie spent the night at a friends house (since there was no child her age). A little girl named Sam spent the night here with Molly (apparently staying up til 2:30a). I went to bed about midnight after playing EVE for an hour or so.


I tried using a first-level destroyer (with 8 turret hardpoints - most ships at my level have one or two) to mine with, but even with two Level II mining lasers it was still slower than the puny little mining ship with one Level I and one Level II laser (due to the mining bonuses, I guess). And the fact that the little ship can use a mining drone.

I've also been trying to get teamspeak (TS) to work. TS is software that allows you to talk in real time to other people in the game, like on a conference call. I had to order headphones (which I thought were coming from some place in the US, but it turns out they came from Hong Kong...what do you expect for $0.99?).

Yesterday was Friday night, and all the Crokite (that's the high value mineral) in BMG (that's the star system) was mined out, so I had to mine "Dark Ochre", which is worth about 5x less. I was still able to get about $1Mil.

The alliance my corp is in (The Big Blue - TBB) has decided to not let peons like me into a solar system w/in the constellation they lay cliam to. I've never gone in there, didn't have any plans to, but now that I'm not being allowed in - I REALLY WANT TO GO! What are they hiding from me??


Anonymous said...

So you're in the alliance, but not allowed to go into one of the solar systems? Why can't you go if you're in the alliance and what do you mean by "peons like me"? Are you just not high enough of a level yet?


kieron said...

I'm a new member of one of the coporations in the alliance, and they are not allowing us new members in there. We have to be "graduate students" first. They are currently deciding what you need to do to become one.

kieron said...

PLUS - our corporation (Eve-University) is new to the alliance, and I guess we had been overstepping our welcome in that solor system by over-mining it.