Monday, May 29, 2006

Swimming, and Dark Ochre

Joined the Y yesterday (I think it was the day the outdoor pool opened). Our plan is to be members thru the summer (using the pool, etc.).

Today we went to the pool again, and I swam. Trying to get a little exercise. I basically get 0 exercise now, which isn't good.

The girls had a lot of fun with the visiting kids this weekend. I saw XMen 3 - in 3D (not really) this weekend. It had great special effects, was a bit too violent, and referred to both heroines and anti-heroines as "bitch" (while not referring to men as anything bad, that I recall). So, not a good family movie, really.

/begin EVE related info

I'm mining "Dark Ochre" as we speak (it's THAT easy, and boring, but I do need to keep an eye on it 'cause my cargo hold fills up every 60 seconds, and Ihave to move it to a floating secure container, plus pirates could show up at any moment, and I'd have to run away...since I have fitted my ship to be 100% mining and 0% combat).

The rats just showed up, I had to run...but I'll just go back later and get the ore from the container...

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