Sunday, March 26, 2006

Reformatting, Betrayal, and Cookie Donations

I reformatted my hard drive and reinstalled everything. My computer was getting so slow...

So far, the only thing I lost was all my old e-mail messages (they are on the CD, but I can't figure out how to get them on my computer...they are in a ".pst" file or something that for some reason Outlook can't load - even tho it came out of outlook).

Last night, Maddie, Molly, and I played Betrayal at House on the Hill. I bought the game after playing it 3 times at GTF; it's got a dark theme, but is a really fun game, since it's always different and has a nice surprise factor about it. Sam start playing, but got too scared so I made him stop.

I just delivered 3 cases of girl scout cookies to the Children's Guardian's Home (as a donation from my old poker group).

Gotta run!

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