Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Cancellations and Taxes

DanD cancelled lunch with me today. What a chump.

So, I went home and ran a couple errands (well, just one, really, since the line at Walgreen's pharmacy was moving so SLOWLY I gave up on the darn thing).

I'm watching the first season of Battlestar Galactica (Troy loaned me the DVD). It's pretty good.

Molly has piano lessons tonight.

My FFC meeting got cancelled tonight as well, which bascially means I have my evening free (to blog, etc.). Molly has started a diary - she read the whole thing to Court and me last night. She's a pretty good writer; it kinda sounds like a blog since she puts in things like "oh yeah, and one more thing".

Tax season is here! We took out a big chunk of our 401(k) to add onto the house, so I think we might owe a bunch of back taxes. I call it back taxes, since I avoided paying taxes when I put it into the 401(k)...

I'm now playing 5 games online at the same time (at spielbyweb)...and not winning any of them. I'm really not that STRONG a swimma?


Anonymous said...

HEY! ;-)


Anonymous said...

How's the Molly diary coming along?

8 months after the fact (please e-mail me directly if you respond since I may not find/remember/live to check back (you know who I am)