Thursday, March 23, 2006

Ham sandwich, My sister-in-law's neighbor, and self-help books

At home now for a quick ham sandwich (not my favorite meat, ham, but it's the oldest thing in the fridge - and it's my policy to eat the oldest thing...from a frugality standpoint).

My sister-in-law's neighbor wrote her a nasty note (I'll scan it later for your enjoyment) about her barking dogs. From the middle-east to Ohmer Ave - why can't we all just get along?

According to Miguel Ruiz in "The Four Agreements", which I just finished, it all has to do with 1. Not Making Assumptions, and 2. Being impeccable with your word. I think Kelley's neighbor is doing neither.

Now I'm halfway through "One Minute for yourself". It's a very quick read (as was "The Four Agreements"). Both of these self-help books were suggested to me...

I think basically most main-stream self-help books would really help, but the key is (as with any good idea) the implementation. So...I'm trying to implement.

P.S. The other two agreements, you ask? 3. Always do your best, and 4. The one I always forget...thinking...thinking...oh yeah...Don't take anything personally.

I probabaly have the most trouble with "Don't Make Assumptions".


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Really enjoyed this most recent blog re: the book recommendations, etc.
I'm 'gonna check out M. Ruiz's "The Four Agreements" for myself as a
result! :-)
