Sunday, March 19, 2006

Passports, Bunco, Thinking Day, and Jack the Ripper

I know you were wondering: she was just cleaning up the desk (supposedly) no trips planned.

Yesterday DaveN and I bartended at the Benton House for a Bunco party for charity (Riley's Children's hospital). Eveyone had a good time. Courtney and I were married at the Benton House. We live about three houses away.

This morning was mass (40 minutes late for me - a new personal worst), then "thinking day" - Courtney was in charge of the whole thing...all the girl scouts had tables which highlighted a country. Molly's troop was "Haiti", interestingly.

I played a couple games of Mystery Rummy: Jack the Ripper today with DaveK. It was the first time for the both of us. He won once and I won once (I think). It's a pretty fun game (JimG's wife introduced me to it, and they play it alot).

I'm now playing in three games at the same time on a real cool website (

Well, better motor!

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