Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Bread's in the oven - my bro, Kerry, gave me this fab receipie that is dead easy:

3 cups self-rising flour,
1 can of beer

Mix it, put it in a 350 oven for 45-60 minutes. EAT.

We can eat about a loaf of this stuff a day. And it takes less than five minutes to make.

Edit: 1/12/07 As I was looking through old blog posts to make a 2006 "in review", I came across this recipe, and, being hungry and having thought about this recipe recently but thinking I forgot it, I decided to make it just now! So, blogs can be beneficial for other reasons. There are some other benefits of this recipe - you can mix this right in the baking loaf pan, with your hands, so there is minimal clean up!
My parents didn't end up going down to see Kerry on my Mom's b-day, since he was feeling a bit under the weather (he's had pneumonia)...

Well - fam's back - better run!!


Anonymous said...

Oh, the levels we must sink to, to avoid the mom invasion.

a mom, naturally

Anonymous said...

Great recipe. But as shameless hand-out recipients and freeloaders, we get all the great bread, bagels, etc. we can eat for free...!!!!So must take your word for it that it's as yummy as it sounds.

We, the 'rents