Friday, March 24, 2006


That neighbor woke up the whole neighborhood last night by banging on Kelley's door at midnight, yelling about her barking dogs.

Today ANIMAL CONTROL showed up at Kelley's doorstep.

It isn't looking pretty.


Anonymous said...

Now you can't just say-
'it isn't looking pretty' and leave it at that. That makes it seem as if your sister-in-law is not a responsible dog owner...which, of course, is NOT the case.

If we want to lay it all out for your readers (the nasty letter, responses and chain of events- to include the Animal Control visit and the call to the Police)...we can.

The Sister-In-Law.

Anonymous said...

Kelley feels your blog is making her look bad.

kieron said...

Kel: I would like to post a scan of her letter in which she calls down the plague on you!