Saturday, January 21, 2006

Molly's First Reconciliation - and Our Books

We went this morning at 10am to Molly's first confession. Her penance was one "Our Father" (mine was two of the same...I wonder what that means).

I had to leave Maddie at home alone, sick (she threw up last night at midnight). She's reading a book, "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats NIMH". I remember reading it when I was younger, apparently it's copyright 1973. It's nice she's old enough to leave her alone for an hour or so.

I just finshed a 600+ page book, "Mary Called Magdelene" Here's a hint: if it's for sale for $0.20 used, it might not be such a great book.


Anonymous said...

Do you ever have to do Hail Marys instead of Our Fathers? The book Maddie's reading was made into a good animation called 'The Secret of Nimh'. I'm reading 'Charlotte's Web' to my 8th graders at school, has Maddie read that or seen it?

kieron said...

Yeah, some Hail Mary's sometimes, but more often Our Father's. I think it really depends on the preist.

One preist I went to a couple times had me say a particular Psalm (#1)...