Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Molly Stayed Home Today

As did I - I slept until about noon, then got up for a couple hours, then slept until 4pm. Either I needed the sleep, or I could sleep that much every day. Scary.

We went to MCL for dinner.

I saw a new doctor yesterday. He seems like a smart guy, but not very prompt. He was more than 30 min. late getting me in, and I didn't get out until 7pm. This made me miss a meeting in which we are trying to get together a church library.

I think his name is Dr. Poole.

I got a couple games in the last two days: Cluzzle (a fun party game in which you make things out of clay), and Duel of Ages: Set 2. I'll play DoA tomorrow, and try to rope the family into playing Cluzzle on Friday.

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