Thursday, December 29, 2005

What we Actually did for Christmas

Kerry, my bro, was sick (pneumonia), so he didn’t come up as planned. So we changed things up a bit; my parents stayed down in Bloomington – we’ll celebrate Christmas with them Sunday 1/1/06.

We went over to John and Jill’s house (Court’s parents) for Christmas, ate a great dinner, and opened presents. The girls were a little disappointed by what Santa brought this Christmas (Maddie wanted, and didn’t get, The Sims II, while Molly got a pillow instead of anything really good). C’est la vie!

We’ve been playing a neat little card game that everyone likes: Circus Flohcati (Flea Circus).

I have to work all week from 12/26 – 12/30 (to make up for the extra vacation I took in 2005), but I do get off 1/2/06.


Anonymous said...

We got Sims II about a year ago and I was very disappointed with it - you need a LOT of memory and very up-to-date drivers and graphics card to run it and even then it's slow. It's harder to navigate and doesn't look as cute (in my opinion). Rebecca does not play it at all now, she tried for a bit then gave up, and that's saying something, she usually enjoys playing every game I bring home, especially the ones I buy for myself.

kieron said...

Yeah - it is painfully slow...we're now limiting Maddie to 1 hour a day on the week days (2 hours on weekends). Do you have time limits?

Anonymous said...

So Maddie DID get Sims II?
No we don't have time limits...we let 'em play till they're sick, and then they limit themselves, we find.


kieron said...

Well, she went out Christmas day and bought it with her own money!

I guess if they did self-limit (like Molly does, but Maddie doesn't), that would be ok. When I was a kid, I would be on the computer from the time I woke until the time I went to bed, eating at the computer. My parents HAD to do something, and I think they did limit me in some way.

kieron said...

That reminds me, didn't some Japanese guy DIE after like 80 hours straight at the computer playing games?

Anonymous said...

Yes, and also a teenage boy in England died from a deep vein thrombosis after KNEELING at his computer for many hours (it had become too painful to sit). I have to admit I was once reduced myself to kneeling to keep playing a game (it was Settlers, my first pc addiction) as sitting had become acutely uncomfortable - after 6 or 8 hours I guess. I also remember being desperate for the toilet but unable to tear myself away from the game, the urge goes for an hour or two, then resurfaces.
BUT NOW I never get addicted like that, in fact I haven't found a decent game in years. And guess what? I really miss it!!

So there were shops open on Christmas Day?

I just bought 'Making Movies' for myself, I spent £35 and it's C*r*a*p.

I'm playing Sim City 4 at the moment but it's a bit dull cos I've done it all before...


kieron said...

It may not have been Christmas day, that's the way I remember it, however.

35 pounds is a lot to spend for something that is crappy. Didn't you read reviews or something first? Tsk, Tsk.

Did you check out the link that shows what games I've played this year - cool, eh?