Saturday, October 01, 2005

Za Weekend

Last night I helped with our church's fall festival. Our "booth" made about $1500 (it's the casino room). I was there from about 7pm - 1:30a, and will go back tonight. We are using chips for the first time ever, and it helps to have an extra person there (since it's a bit more involved than just using cash).

Courtney left yesterday on an overnight shopping trip. She's starting to buy things for our new room (construction starts next week!).

Maddie and Molly had a sleep-over at aunt Kel's last night. They went to Arby's for lunch with her today.

GTF (a gathering of guys where we play games for a long weekend down in Kentucky) is starting to gear up, even though it isn't until February! We started in 2000 with 6 guys, and now we have about 20 who go.

I'm reading this really interesting book called "Blink". It's about the psychology of the unconscious, and it is filled with little interesting stories. A very quick read.

As I was putting in the link above, I read some of the reviews. Looks like people either loved it or hated it. It also looks like his other book, "The Tipping Point" might be even better. I think I'll put it on my wish list.

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